• Email: mcie@sut.edu.cn
  • Mobile:+86-15524323486
  • Conference Secretariat: Dr. Nan Si,  Dr. Hui Li, Mr. Huidong Cao

Call for Paper

The conference will comprise of daily plenary and parallel sessions. This platform is proposed for participants to disseminate new findings, renew friendships and to establish collaborations in a post-pandemic era. The Organising Committee from China, endeavours to maintain the high standard, ethos and continuity of the International Conference on the Protection of Structures against Hazards.

The PSH2024 International Conference continues the discussion started in 2002 on both man-made and natural hazards, especially on engineering and technological aspects and issues that will make buildings and structures safer, sustainable and greener against:

1. Universal natural or man-made disasters suffered by Engineering Structures;

9. Structural collapse (architectural, structural, and construction);

2. Impact, blast, and shock loads;

10. Corrosion and natural degradation;

3. Fire;

11. Vibration;

4. Chemical and biological hazards;

12. Geologic hazards;

5. Industrial accident;

13. Hazardous chemical disasters;

6. Mining hazards;

14. Hazards in dams,

7. Energy infrastructure hazards;

8. Transportation infrastructure hazards;

15. Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, and those arising from climate change and slope stability.

Related issues are also invited, such as:
• Mitigation (preventive measures, including but not limited to control and hazard monitoring);
• Rescue, safety and evacuation techniques;
• Risk analysis and reliability;

Copyright © 2024 8th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards. All rights reserved.